Sunday, February 20, 2011

360-day Wrap-up

Well I've been in Japan for 360-days now, only 5 to go to make it one full year, wowzers!

I have to say, it's been a wonderful experience so far but the cost of being away from all my friends & family in America is a high price to pay... My current contract goes until June so I'm sticking it out until then for now. OK, here's the break-down of my latest big news:

-Signed up for professional Japanese lessons, 2-time a week after work for the next 3 months
-Posted some new videos of Tokyo on facebook here
-It snowed in Tokyo, my first snow in a year, I miss the stuff what can I say (see pic below)
-My division is getting rolled into a new group, which is writing the next-generation Game Engine for our company; we'll see where/how I'll fit in within the next few months...
-hmmm it's been a slow start to 2011, not much else to report at the moment...

Ok, and here are my pics + commentary from the past month.

Testing out the new 3D portable system from Nintendo at the local electronics store (I'd wait for the PSP II (a.k.a. NGP)

Drinking (& eating!) work party =)

Every dog has it's day!

My Birthday cake given to me by my co-workers!

Snow-covered rooftops from my apartment balcony!

What's left of my small R&D group on our official last day as a division (a few people were out to lunch)

Sweet fixed-gear I saw

The Tokyo subway map (well most of the train-lines are shown...)

My most recent culinary experiment -- spaghetti + meat sauce!

More to come, see you soon!